Friday, July 13, 2007

Google this!

At least once a week, I check the report statistics for our website ( I'm interested to know where the visitors come from, what they're viewing, and what they're downloading. Saw something the other day that was new to me- it showed searches people had used to find the site. Thought that was interesting. Fact is, using some of their search phrases, it's a miracle they even found us!

It reminded me that often we have no idea what people are looking for when their path crosses ours. The smile on their face might not indicate the brokenness in their heart. Their gruff manner may reveal no clue of their desperate search for a loving relationship. Their seemingly arrogant confidence may offer no hint of the uncertainty that plagues them. They're looking -we're all looking- for something. Sometimes, we're just the only one who even has a clue what we're looking for.

As a pastor, it's easy to become driven to address the needs of the "seekers" who come your way. But just as with my web page, I never really truly know exactly what search has brought them to us. So rather than flip-flop back and force trying to address something I can't even define, I try my best to offer a consistent, balanced diet of what I believe God would have us know- that He made us, He loves us, and He's on a mission to get us straying sheep back into His fold. If someone comes one week, they may hear a message heavy on the loving part. Another week what they would hear might stress the restoration part. But show up regularly, and you'll hear the entire message presented many different ways.

Be yourself. Be real. Be consistent. And be ready to help whoever God brings across your path.

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