Friday, May 4, 2007

Have you ever been "assimilated"?

A beginning thought...

If you're familiar with STNG, the Borg were perhaps the most formidable opponents ever encountered by the Federation of Planets. They had this knack for "assimilating" any- and every-thing. They were a smorgasbord of spare parts and unlikely combinations. One Borg would corner someone, and then there were two Borg. The two would corner two others and suddenly there were four! You get the idea. Each Borg became a part of a much larger body- the "Collective". Their tagline was always the same- "Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated!" And with that, they added new spare parts to their conglomerate.

Well, I'm as unlikely an addition to the perfect Kingdom of God as you'll find. But one day God got me in a one-on-one and "assimilated" me into His family. Resistance was futile. I couldn't even think about resisting. He had me, and I'm a part of His "collective now". And you know what? There's no place I'd rather be.


JP said...

Speak to me, Jean-Luc. :)

JP said...

Program complete...enter when ready.