Monday, May 7, 2007

where IS that connection...?

Remember, I'm a pastor... and I started a new ministry position in early January. It's at a wonderful church (as I understand it, the "church" is the people who gather- the building is just the place where the church meets) in a rural, but growing, community outside of Richmond, Virginia. Our previous house hasn't sold yet, so I'm staying in "temporary quarters" about twelve miles outside of town. A beautifully restored older home, it affords all the conveniences you'd need... except broadband access. Actually, since I use my cell phone for verbal communication, I don't even have dial-up! AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH! I feel so cut off from the world! Anyone who's ever had high speed internet and lost it can feel my pain. You're never satisfied with anything less; much less satisfied with nothing!

So I'm getting ready to use the "A" word- here's the application. I wonder how many folks get as distraught when their connection with God is lost. I mean, it happens. At least I know it happens to me. I get busy- really busy- and I skip one day of my quiet time with God or rush through it just to check the box. Then the next day is even worse than the one before, and the next worse than that one. You know how it goes. You've been there. Before you know it, you've almost forgotten that you'd ever even been connected. God misses us when that happens; don't ever doubt that in the least. But He's not the one who loses out. We do. The strength, the hope, the power that He provides for dealing with the new challenges of each day become a thing of the past. We become like drained Ray-O-Vac's in desperate need of a charge. And that's a miserable way to live.

I miss my broadband. But I'd miss my "divineband" even more if I was without it. How do you keep your connection alive? When you lose it, how do you reconnect? Any thoughts you'd like to share?

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